Rommer Silicone Recycling Program

We are now recycling our silicone products with TerraCycle ® via their Zero Waste Box™ solution.

In hoping to look after our planet, we want to be responsible for the products we are producing and ensure that they don't end up in landfill. While we believe silicone to be an environmentally conscious material it can't be recycled in your curb side recycling bin. Therefor, if you have purchased your Rommer silicone items from us, you'll now have the opportunity to send them back when they can no longer be used.⁠

TerraCycle® is a company that has become a global leader in recycling hard-to-recycle materials, who will repurpose these items ensuring there is zero waste.⁠

Simply return your silicone product back to us and it will be packed in our Zero Waste Box™ and sent for recycling. The Zero Waste Box system is an all-in-one recycling solution from TerraCycle®. Everything collected through the box is sorted and processed into raw materials that can be reused instead of being sent to landfill.

To return your product for recycling, please fill out the form and you will receive a Return Post Label in the mail.